Ghana Football Association (GFA) Executive Council member and renowned sports broadcast journalist with Kessben FM, Frederick Acheampong has taken a...
Read morePopular Political show host and a former Fox FM morning show host Kwaku Kyeremanteng Nkansah (popularly known as K.K) is...
Read moreKumasi’s newest radio addition – Lawson 96.3 is officially airborne. Lawson FM, the latest addition to the growing radio ecosystem, has...
Read moreKumasi’s newest radio addition – Lawson 96.3 is officially airborne. Lawson FM, the latest addition to the growing radio ecosystem, has...
Read moreSammy Forson, host of Ignition and the Weekend City Show on Joy 99.7 FM, has concluded his tenure at the...
Read moreDaryl Eshun, who previously worked with Kapital Radio and hosted the morning show, Daybreak Kapital, has passed away. Daryl passed...
Read moreFormer JoyNews journalist, Manuel Koranteng has joined the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). This comes just a year after being named the Komla...
Read moreGhanaian journalist, Komla Adom who recently won the human rights journalist of the year award at the West Africa Media...
Read moreThe ex-husband of movie actress Xandy Kamel, Kaninja, has swiftly responded to a recent interview by the actress in which...
Read moreGhanaian media personality and actress, Xandy Kamel labelled her ex-husband ugly when she sat for an interview on The Delay...
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